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Premises for a digital twin of the Atlantic salmon in its world: agency, robustness, subjectivity, and predictionAquaculture, Fish and Fisheries.
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Giske J, Huse G,
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Vertical distribution and population dynamics of copepods by dynamic optimizationIces Journal of Marine Science.
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A spatially explicit fitness based model of capelin migrations in the Barents SeaFisheries Oceanography.
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Growth and ovarian development of Maurolicus muelleri during springMarine Biology.
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Salvanes AGV,
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Simulated carrying capacities of fish in Norwegian fjordsFisheries Oceanography.
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Salvanes AGV,
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A surface-dependent gastric evacuation model for fishJournal of Fish Biology.
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A dynamic optimization model of the diel vertical distribution of a pelagic planktivorous fishProgress in Oceanography.
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Giske J, Skjoldal HR, Slagstad D. 1998.
Ecological modelling for fisheriesPages 11-68 in
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