Marc Mangel was professor at
University of California Santa Cruz
and Adjunct Professor at Department of Biology, University of Bergen, until 2021 when he retired. He is now Professor Emeritus at UiB.
His relationship with Researchers at the Theoretical Ecology Group dates back to the early 1990s. He has been guest lecturer on several UiB PhD courses, co-supervisor for UiB PhD students, host for TEG researchers at sabbaticals, co-author on many of our papers, and more generally an inspirator for much of our activity. Marc is still actively engaged in our research projects and plans to visit us regularly also in the years ahead.
More information about Marc can be found at his web page:
The picture on the right shows Marc discussing Pacific herring in June 2016, with Tessa Francis, Phil Levin, Jameal Samhouri, Ole Shelton, and Megsie Siple (Photo by Phil Levin).