Upcoming opportunities
Two new projects will hire PhD student starting from summer 2025. Please keep posted for updates about calls and deadlines.
Are you looking for PhD stipend?
PhD studies at University of Bergen are based on employment at UiB or a cooperating research institute such as Norce or the Institue of Marine Research. All PhD positions at UiB must be openly advertised. There is thus no reason to contact a TEG researcher to ask for a PhD opportunity. It is possible, however, to contact a researcher to propose a PhD project within one of TEGs research fields, and to work on a joint grant application that can be submitted to the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The deadline for such applications is normally in March, and RCN requires that the supervisor is the formal applicant. The competition within RCN is strong, with more than 90% rejection rate. Suggestions for such proposals must therefore come months before the deadline.
Looking for a Master’s project?
The Theoretical Ecology Group welcomes new Master’s students in all our research themes. Here are some potential topics:
- Modelling: Optimal spawning time in cod, behavioural flexibility and physiological constraints (Anders F. Opdal, Øyvind Fiksen)
- Modelling: Coastal water darkening and the competition between fish and jellyfish (Anders F. Opdal, Johanna Aarflot (Institute of Marine Research))
- Literature mining: Barriers and solutions for supplying more small pelagic fish for direct human consumption in Norway (suitable for 30 ECTS in Marine sustainability) (Gabriella Ljungström, Tom J. Langbehn, and Katja Enberg)
- Literature review and data analysis: Environmental and nutritional consequences of replacing fish with land-based protein sources (suitable for 60 ECTS in Marine sustainability) (Gabriella Ljungström, Tom J. Langbehn, and Christian Jørgensen)
- Literature review: Harvesting of small pelagic fish worldwide - is there evidence for capping management strategies? (suitable for 30 or 60 ECTS in Fisheries /Marine biology / Marine sustainability) (Gabriella Ljungström, Tom J. Langbehn, and Katja Enberg)
- Is advective feeding on gelatinous prey at depth in the dark a low-cost, low-risk, low-reward strategy for Greater Argentine? Otolith reading, data analysis, and perhaps modelling. (Tom J. Langbehn and Katja Enberg or Christian Jørgensen)
Insitute of Marine Research maintains a list of potential Master's topics.
Some of our colleagues in Bergen and nearby offer projects on related topics. Check their pages for updates:
- Terje Lislevand at the University Museum of Bergen offers field projects on birds.
- Monica Solberg at the Institute of Marine Research offers masters theses on interactions between wild and farmed Atlantic salmon.
You can also check our Research web pages and contact potential supervisors directly to inquire whether they will have an opening for new MSc students in the near future. The best way to make first contact is to present your background and research interests briefly in an email.
Information on application dates, recommended or required courses, and many other practicalities for being a Master of Science (MSc) student at Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, can be found here.
Most or all MSc education at the Department of Biological Sciences (and the Faculty of Science) is in English, and most MSc theses are written in English.
Past Masters Students
Ingvild Marie Krohn Riska
MSc 2023
I will combine insights from an individual based model with field-based observations to study the effect of artificial light on the behaviour and distribution of pelagic organisms in the water column. Specifically, what is the sampling bias introduced by a lit research vessel.
Øystein Varpe,
Anders F. Opdal, and
Tom J. Langbehn.
Kristine Rokke
MSc 2018
Thesis title:
Mesopelagic sound scattering layers and possible explanations for their diel variations in
Bjørnafjorden, western Norway.
[ open access pdf ]
Supervisor: Thor Klevjer (IMR), Espen Strand(IMR), Anne Gro Salvanes, and
Dag L. Aksnes.
Punam Sharma
MSc 2016
Thesis title:
Solar radiative heating of the ocean.
Supervisors: Børge Hamre (Department of Physics and Technology) and
Dag L. Aksnes.
Zofia Burr
MSc 2014
Thesis title:
Breeding later at higher latitudes: explaining seabird reproductive timing in the northeastern Atlantic..
Zoe's MSc thesis was the basis for her paper
Burr et al. 2016 in
Supervisors: Rune Rosland,
Øyvind Fiksen, and
Øystein Varpe.