Salvanes AGV, Gallo ND, Solås MR, Saltalamacchia F,
Aksnes DL, Darelius E, Christiansen S, Folkvord A, Hosia A,
Kaartvedt S, Levin L, Limburg K, Martell L, Midtøy F, Myksvoll M, Risebrobakken B, Savolainen H, Skadal J, Staby A. In press.
Deep fjords are excellent natural infrastructure for climate impact studiesFish and Fisheries.
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Delabre I, Rodriguez LO, Smallwood JM, Scharlemann JPW, Alcamo J, Antonarakis AS, Rowhani P, Hazell RJ,
Aksnes DL, Balvanera P, Lundquist CJ, Gresham C, Alexander AE, Stenseth NC. 2021.
Actions on sustainable food production and consumption for the post-2020 global biodiversity frameworkScience Advances.
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Melle W, Klevjer T, Drinkwater KF, Strand E, Naustvoll LJ, Wiebe PH,
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Structure and functioning of four North Atlantic ecosystems - A comparative studyDeep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.
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Irigoien X, Klevjer TA, Røstad A, Martinez U, Boyra G, Acuña JL, Bode A, Echevarria F, Gonzalez-Gordillo JI, Hernandez-Leon S, Agusti S,
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Large mesopelagic fishes biomass and trophic efficiency in the open oceanNature Communications.
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Haraldsson M, Jaspers C, Tiselius P,
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Environmental constraints of the invasive Mnemiopsis leidyi in Scandinavian watersLimnology and Oceanography.
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Aksnes DL, Ohman MD. 2009.
Multi-decadal shoaling of the euphotic zone in the southern sector of the California Current SystemLimnology and Oceanography.
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Dupont N, Klevjer TA,
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Diel vertical migration of the deep water jellyfish Periphylla periphylla simulated as individual responses to absolute light intensityLimnology and Oceanography.
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Daase M, Eiane K,
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Vertical distribution of Calanus spp. and Metridia longa at four Arctic locationsMarine Biology Research.
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Aksnes DL. 2007.
Evidence for visual constraints in large marine fish stocksLimnology and Oceanography.
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Aksnes DL, Ohman MD, Riviére P. 2007.
Optical effect on the nitracline in a coastal upwelling areaLimnology and Oceanography.
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Causes for mass occurrences of the jellyfish Periphylla periphylla; an hypothesis that involves optically conditioned retentionJournal of Plankton Research.
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Troedsson C, Ganot P, Bouquet JM,
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Endostyle cell recruitment as a frame of reference for development and growth in the Urochordate, Oikopleura dioicaBiological Bulletin.
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Optical control of fish and zooplankton populationsLimnology and Oceanography.
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Production enhancement by artificial upwelling: a simulation studyHydrobiologia.
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Stage-specific mortality of Calanus spp. under different predation regimesLimnology and Oceanography.
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The influence of turbidity on growth and survival of fish larvae: a numerical analysisHydrobiologia.
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Troedsson C, Bouquet JM,
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Resource allocation between somatic growth and reproductive output in the pelagic chordate Oikopleura dioica allows opportunistic response to nutritional variationMarine Ecology-Progress Series.
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Bagøien E,
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Vertical distribution and mortality of overwintering CalanusLimnology and Oceanography.
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Eiane K,
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Fish or jellies - a question of visibility?Limnology and Oceanography.
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Eiane K,
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Advection and zooplankton fitnessSarsia.
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Fiksen Ø, Utne ACW,
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Modelling the influence of light, turbulence and ontogeny on ingestion rates in larval cod and herringFisheries Oceanography.
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Aksnes DL, Miller CB, Ohman MD, Wood SN. 1997.
Estimation techniques used in studies of copepod population dynamics - A review of underlying assumptionsSarsia.
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Aksnes DL, Utne ACW. 1997.
A revised model of visual range in fishSarsia.
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The significance of optical properties in competition among visual and tactile planktivores: A theoretical studyEcological Modelling.
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Natural mortality, fecundity and development time in marine planktonic copepods - implications of behaviourMarine Ecology-Progress Series.
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Aksnes DL, Blindheim J. 1996.
Circulation patterns in the North Atlantic and possible impact on population dynamics of Calanus finmarchicusOphelia.
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Aksnes DL, Ohman MD. 1996.
A vertical life table approach to zooplankton mortality estimationLimnology and Oceanography.
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Ohman MD,
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The interrelationship of copepod fecundity and mortalityLimnology and Oceanography.
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Wassmann P, Egge JK, Reigstad M,
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Influence of dissolved silicate on vertical flux of particulate biogenic matterMarine Pollution Bulletin.
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Salvanes AGV,
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Simulated carrying capacities of fish in Norwegian fjordsFisheries Oceanography.
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Salvanes AGV,
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A surface-dependent gastric evacuation model for fishJournal of Fish Biology.
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Modelling the primary production in the North Sea using a coupled three-dimensional physical-chemical-biological ocean modelEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science.
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Aksnes DL, Egge JK, Rosland R, Heimdal BR. 1994.
Representation of Emiliania huxleyi in phytoplankton simulation models. A first approachSarsia.
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Utne ACW,
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An experimental study on the influence of feeding versus predation risk in the habitat choice of juvenile and adult two-Spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius)Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
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Aksnes DL, Wassmann P. 1993.
Modeling the significance of zooplankton grazing for export productionLimnology and Oceanography.
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Variable generation times and Darwinian fitness measuresEvolutionary Ecology.
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Food, predation risk and shelter - an experimental study on the distribution of adult two-spotted Goby Gobiusculus flavescens (Fabricius)Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology.
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Ontogeny, season and trade-offs: vertical distribution of the mesopelagic fish Maurolicus muelleriSarsia.
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Giske J, Skjoldal HR,
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A conceptual model of distribution of capelin in the Barents SeaSarsia.
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Kaartvedt S,
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Does fresh-water discharge cause mortality of fjord-living zooplanktonEstuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.
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Computer simulation of pelagic production in Masfjorden, western Norway, and its consequences for production of released 0-group codICES Marine Science Symposia.
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Occurrence of the toxic phytoflagellate Prymnesium parvum and associated fish mortality in a Norwegian fjord systemCanadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
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Nutrient enrichment experiments in plastic cylinders and the implications of enhanced primary production in Lindåspollene, western NorwaySarsia.
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Preliminary studies on the vertical distribution of size-fractions in the zooplankton community in Lindåspollene, western NorwaySarsia.
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Hestetun JT, Sjøtun K,
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The marine environmentPages 1-31 in
Marine Ecological Field Methods, edited by Salvanes AGV, Devine J, Jensen KH, Hestetun JT, Sjøtun K, Glenner H. Wiley.
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Salvanes AGV, Glenner H,
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Sampling gears and equipmentPages 75-120 in
Marine Ecological Field Methods, edited by Salvanes AGV, Devine J, Jensen KH, Hestetun JT, Sjøtun K, Glenner H. Wiley.
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Mathematical models for aquatic populationsPages 285-308 in
Human impact on self-recruiting populations, edited by Sundnes G. Trondheim, Norway: Tapir.
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