Department of
Biological Sciences

Professor, PhD (Group Leader)
Christian Jørgensen

Peer-Reviewed Articles 

Giske J, Budaev S, Eliassen S, Higginson AD, Jørgensen C, Mangel M. In press.
Vertebrate decision-making leads to the interdependence of behaviour and wellbeing
Animal Behaviour.
Weidner J, Jensen CH, Giske J, Eliassen S, Jørgensen C. 2025.
Hormonal regulation of the phenotype into environmentally appropriate pace-of-life syndromes
Fish and Fisheries. 26: 16-29. [ doi:10.1111/faf.12863 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ popularized in Norwegian ]
Ljungström G, Langbehn T, Jørgensen C. 2024.
Bergmann patterns in planktivorous fishes: A light-size or a zooplankton community-size rule is just as valid explanation as the temperature-size rule
Global Ecology and Biogeography. 33: 17-33. [ doi:10.1111/geb.13782 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Scherrer KJN, Langbehn TJ, Ljungström G, Enberg K, Hornborg S, Dingsør GE, Jørgensen C. 2024.
Spatial restrictions inadvertently doubled the carbon footprint of Norway’s mackerel fishing fleet
Marine Policy. 161: 106014. [ doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106014 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ short video ]
Jensen CH, Weidner J, Giske J, Jørgensen C, Eliassen S, Mennerat A. 2023.
Adaptive host responses to infection can resemble parasitic manipulation
Ecology and Evolution. 13: e10318. [ doi:10.1002/ece3.10318 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Meister N, Langbehn TJ, Varpe Ø, Jørgensen C. 2023.
Blue mussels in western Norway have vanished where in reach of crawling predators
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 721: 85-101. [ doi:10.3354/meps14416 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Rumińska A, Eliassen S, Jørgensen C. 2023.
Emergence of games from ecological trade-offs: longevity changes strategies for extra-pair mating in birds
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 77: 127. [ doi:10.1007/s00265-023-03395-7 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Rumińska A, Jørgensen C, Eliassen S. 2023.
From self-interest to cooperation: Extra-pair mating as a driver of relaxed territorial aggression in social neighbourhoods
Evolutionary Ecology. 37: 305-325. [ doi:10.1007/s10682-022-10222-4 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Ryberg MP, Christensen A, Jørgensen C, Neuenfeldt S, Skov PV, Behrens JW. 2023.
Bioenergetics modelling of growth processes in parasitised Eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.)
Conservation Physiology. 11: coad007. [ doi:10.1093/conphys/coad007 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Harlap Y, Jørgensen C, Cotner S. 2022.
Maintaining quality assessment practices in Norwegian higher education after the two-evaluator law
Nordic Journal of STEM Education. 6: 41-59. [ doi:10.5324/njsteme.v6i1.4873 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Langbehn T, Aksnes DL, Kaartvedt S, Fiksen Ø, Ljungström G, Jørgensen C. 2022.
Poleward distribution of mesopelagic fishes is constrained by seasonality in light
Global Ecology and Biogeography. 31: 546-561. [ doi:10.1111/geb.13446 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
van Deurs M, Persson A, Nilsson PA, Jørgensen C. 2022.
Fish resist temptation for junk food: State-dependent diet choice in reproductive cod (Gadus morhua) facing seasonal fluxes of lipid-rich prey
Oikos. 2022: e08739. [ doi:10.1111/oik.08739 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Ejsmond A, Forchhammer M, Varpe Ø, Jónsson JE, Jørgensen C. 2021.
Nesting synchrony and clutch size in migratory birds: Capital versus income breeding determines responses to variable spring onset
American Naturalist. 198: E122-E135. [ doi:10.1086/716064 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Online supplement ]
Jensen CH, Weidner J, Giske J, Budaev S, Jørgensen C, Eliassen S. 2021.
Hormonal adjustments to future expectations impact growth and survival in juvenile fish
Oikos. 130: 41-51. [ doi:10.1111/oik.07483 ] [ pdf ] [ Code on Github ]
Ljungström G, Langbehn TJ, Jørgensen C. 2021.
Light and energetics at seasonal extremes limit poleward range shifts
Nature Climate Change. 11: 530-536. [ doi:10.1038/s41558-021-01045-2 ] [ Video abstract ] [ Read for free on Nature website ]
Cotner S, Jeno LM, Walker JD, Jørgensen C, Vandvik V. 2020.
Gender gaps in the performance of Norwegian biology students: The roles of test anxiety and science confidence
International Journal of STEM Education. 7: 22. [ doi:10.1186/s40594-020-00252-1 ] [ open access ]
Ljungström G, Claireaux M, Fiksen Ø, Jørgensen C. 2020.
Body size adaptions under climate change: zooplankton community more important than temperature or food abundance in model of a zooplanktivorous fish
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 636: 1-18. [ doi:10.3354/meps13241 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Feature Article ] [ Online supplement ]
Skjæraasen JE, Korsbrekke K, Dingsør GE, Langangen Ø, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2020.
Large annual variation in the amount of skipped spawning for female Northeast Arctic haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Fisheries Research. 230: 105670. [ doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105670 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Weidner J, Jensen CH, Giske J, Eliassen S, Jørgensen C. 2020.
Hormones as adaptive control systems in juvenile fish
Biology Open. 9: bio046144. [ doi:10.1242/bio.046144 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Interview with Jacqueline ]
Ballen CJ, Aguillon S, Awwad A, Bjune AE, Challou D, Drake AG, Driessen M, Ellozy A, Ferry V, Goldberg EE, Harcombe W, Jensen S, Jonas A, Jørgensen C, Koth Z, McGaugh S, Mitry C, Mosher B, Mostafa H, Petipas RH, Soneral PAG, Watters S, Wassenburg D, Weiss S, Zamudio KR, Cotner S. 2019.
Smaller classes promote equitable student participation in STEM
BioScience. 69: 669-680. [ doi:10.1093/biosci/biz069 ] [ pdf ]
Budaev S, Jørgensen C, Mangel M, Eliassen S, Giske J. 2019.
Decision-making from the animal perspective: Bridging ecology and subjective cognition
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7: 164. [ doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00164 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Fouzai N, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2019.
Dying from the lesser of three evils: facilitation and non-consumptive effects emerge in a model with multiple predators
Oikos. 128: 1307-1317. [ doi:10.1111/oik.05631 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Bråten H. 2019.
Can ‘passed with distinction’ as a new grading scale favour the transition towards formative assessment?
Nordic Journal of STEM Education. 3: 7-11. [ doi:10.5324/njsteme.v3i1.2992 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Enberg K. 2019.
Fishing for answers
Science. 365: 443-444. [ doi:10.1126/science.aay3158 ]
Langbehn TJ, Aksnes DL, Kaartvedt S, Fiksen Ø, Jørgensen C. 2019.
Light comfort zone in a mesopelagic fish emerges from adaptive behaviour along a latitudinal gradient
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 623: 161-174. [ doi:10.3354/meps13024 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Online supplement ]
Ljungström G, Francis TB, Mangel M, Jørgensen C. 2019.
Parent-offspring conflict over reproductive timing: Ecological dynamics far away and at other times may explain spawning variability in Pacific herring
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 559-572. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy106 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ matlab code ] [ online supplement ]
Lowerre-Barbieri S, Catalan I, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2019.
Preparing for the future: integrating spatial ecology into ecosystem-based management
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 467-476. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy209 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Claireaux M, Jørgensen C, Enberg K. 2018.
Evolutionary effects of fishing gear on foraging behaviour and life-history traits
Ecology and Evolution. 8: 10711-10721. [ doi:10.1002/ece3.4482 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ online supplement ]
Jutfelt F, Norin T, Ern R, Overgaard J, Wang T, McKenzie DJ, Lefevre S, Nilsson GE, Metcalfe NB, Hickey AJR, Brijs J, Speers-Roesch B, Roche DG, Gamperl AK, Raby GD, Morgan R, Esbaugh AJ, Gräns A, Axelsson M, Ekström A, Sandblom E, Binning SA, Hicks JW, Seebacher F, Jørgensen C, Killen SS, Schulte PM, Clark TD. 2018.
Oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance: blurring ecology and physiology
The Journal of Experimental Biology. 221: jeb.169615. [ doi:10.1242/jeb.169615 ] [ pdf ]
Mennerat A, Charmantier A, Jørgensen C, Eliassen S. 2018.
Correlates of complete brood failure in blue tits: Could extra-pair mating provide unexplored benefits to females?
Journal of Avian Biology. 49: e01701. [ doi:10.1111/jav.01701 ] [ pdf ]
Vollset KW, Dohoo I, Karlsen Ø, Halttunen E, Kvamme BO, Finstad B, Wennevik V, Diserud OH, Bateman A, Friedland KD, Mahlum S, Jørgensen C, Qviller L, Krkosek M, Åtland Å, Barlaup BT. 2018.
Food for thought: Disentangling the role of sea lice on the marine survival of Atlantic salmon
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75: 50-60. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx104 ] [ open access ] [ online supplement ]
Ballen C, Danielsen M, Jørgensen C, Grytnes J-A, Cotner S. 2017.
Norway’s gender gap: Classroom participation in undergraduate introductory science
Nordic Journal of STEM Education. 1: 179-186. [ doi:10.5324/njsteme.v1i1.2248 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Enberg K, Jørgensen C. 2017.
Conclusion that fishing-induced evolution is negligible follows from model assumptions
PNAS. 114: E4321. [ doi:10.1073/pnas.1700708114 ] [ pdf ] [ Eikeset et al.'s original article ] [ Eikeset et al.'s response ]
Zimmermann F, Jørgensen C. 2017.
Taking animal breeding into the wild: regulation of fishing gear can make fish stocks evolve higher productivity
Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 563: 185-195. [ doi:10.3354/meps11996 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ online supplement ]
Andersen BS, Jørgensen C, Eliassen S, Giske J. 2016.
The proximate architecture for decision-making in fish
Fish and Fisheries. 17: 680-695. [ doi:10.1111/faf.12139 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Eliassen S, Andersen BS, Jørgensen C, Giske J. 2016.
From sensing to emergent adaptations: Modelling the proximate architecture for decision-making
Ecological Modelling. 326: 90-100. [ doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.09.001 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Enberg K, Mangel M. 2016.
Modelling and interpreting fish bioenergetics: a role for behaviour, life history traits and survival trade-offs
Journal of Fish Biology. 88: 389-402. [ doi:10.1111/jfb.12834 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
McKenzie DJ, Axelsson M, Claireaux G, Chabot D, Cooke SJ, Corner R, De Boeck G, Domenici P, Guerreiro P, Hamer B, Jørgensen C, Killen SS, Lefevre S, Marras S, Michaelidis B, Nilsson G, Peck MA, Perez-Ruzafa A, Rijnsdorp AD, Shiels H, Steffensen JF, Svendsen JC, Svendsen MBS, Teal LR, van der Meer J, Wang T, Wilson JM, Wilson RW, Metcalfe JD. 2016.
Conservation physiology of marine fishes: State of the art and prospects for policy
Conservation Physiology. 4: cow046. [ doi:10.1093/conphys/cow046 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2016.
Response: Demography affects spawning location in Northeast Arctic cod, but what affects demography?
Global Change Biology. 22: 965-967. [ doi:10.1111/gcb.12977 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Original paper ] [ Letter by Sundby ]
van Deurs M, Persson A, Lindegren M, Jacobsen C, Neuenfeldt S, Jørgensen C, Nilsson PA. 2016.
Marine ecosystem connectivity mediated by migrant-resident interactions and the concomitant cross-system flux of lipids
Ecology and Evolution. 6: 4076-4087. [ doi:10.1002/ece3.2167 ] [ pdf ]
Ward TD, Algeria DA, Gallagher AJ, Hawkins E, Horodysky A, Jørgensen C, Killen SS, McKenzie DJ, Metcalfe JD, Peck MA, Vu M, Cooke SJ. 2016.
Understanding the individual to implement the ecosystem approach to fisheries management
Conservation Physiology. 4: cow005. [ doi:10.1093/conphys/cow005 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Fouzai N, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2015.
Effects of temperature and food availability on larval cod survival: a model for behaviour in vertical gradients
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 529: 199-212. [ doi:10.3354/meps11326 ] [ open access ]
Holt RE, Jørgensen C. 2015.
Climate change in fish: Effects of respiratory constraints on optimal life-history and behaviour
Biology Letters. 11: 20141032. [ doi:10.1098/rsbl.2014.1032 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ matlab code ] [ online supplement ]
Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2015.
Long-term change of a behavioural trait: truncated spawning distribution and demography in Northeast Arctic cod
Global Change Biology. 21: 1521-1530. [ doi:10.1111/gcb.12773 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Letter by Sundby ] [ Response ]
van Deurs M, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2015.
Effects of copepod size on fish growth: a model based on data for North Sea sandeel
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 520: 235-243. [ doi:10.3354/meps11092 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Zimmermann F, Jørgensen C. 2015.
Bioeconomic consequences of fishing-induced evolution: a model predicts limited impact on net present value
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 72: 612-624. [ doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0006 ] [ pdf ]
Boukal DS, Dieckmann U, Enberg K, Heino M, Jørgensen C. 2014.
Life-history implications of the allometric scaling of growth
Journal of Theoretical Biology. 359: 199-207. [ doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.05.022 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Cooke SJ, Killen SS, Metcalfe JD, McKenzie DJ, Mouillot D, Jørgensen C, Peck MA. 2014.
Conservation physiology across scales: Insights from the marine realm
Conservation Physiology. 2: cou024. [ doi:10.1093/conphys/cou024 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Folkvord A, Jørgensen C, Korsbrekke K, Nash RDM, Nilsen T, Skjæraasen JE. 2014.
Trade-offs between growth and reproduction in wild Atlantic cod
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 71: 1106-1112. [ doi:10.1139/cjfas-2013-0600 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Giske J, Eliassen S, Fiksen Ø, Jakobsen PJ, Aksnes DL, Mangel M, Jørgensen C. 2014.
The emotion system promotes diversity and evolvability
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 281: 20141096. [ doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.1096 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ fortran code for model at ]
Holt RE, Jørgensen C. 2014.
Climate warming causes life history evolution in a model for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
Conservation Physiology. 2: cou050. [ doi:10.1093/conphys/cou050 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Opdal AF, Fiksen Ø. 2014.
Can behavioural ecology unite hypotheses for fish recruitment?
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 71: 909-917. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst083 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Laugen AT, Engelhard GH, Whitlock R, Arlinghaus R, Dankel DJ, Dunlop ES, Eikeset AM, Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Matsumura S, Nusslé S, Urbach D, Baulier L, Boukal DS, Ernande B, Johnston FD, Mollet F, Pardoe H, Therkildsen NO, Uusi-Heikkilä S, Vainikka A, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD, Dieckmann U. 2014.
Evolutionary impact assessment: Accounting for evolutionary consequences of fishing in an ecosystem approach to fisheries management
Fish and Fisheries. 15: 65-96. [ doi:10.1111/faf.12007 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Winkler DW, Jørgensen C, Both C, Houston AI, McNamara JM, Levey DJ, Partecke J, Fudickar A, Kacelnik A, Roshier D, Piersma T. 2014.
Cues, strategies, and outcomes: how migrating animals track environmental change
Movement Ecology. 2: 10. [ doi:10.1186/2051-3933-2-10 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Giske J, Eliassen S, Fiksen Ø, Jakobsen PJ, Aksnes DL, Jørgensen C, Mangel M. 2013.
Effects of the emotion system on adaptive behavior
American Naturalist. 182: 689-703. [ doi:10.1086/673533 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ popularized version ]
Heino M, Baulier L, Boukal DS, Ernande B, Johnston FD, Mollet F, Pardoe H, Therkildsen NO, Uusi-Heikkilä S, Vainikka A, Arlinghaus R, Dankel DJ, Dunlop ES, Eikeset AM, Enberg K, Engelhard GH, Jørgensen C, Laugen AT, Matsumura S, Nusslé S, Urbach D, Whitlock R, Rijnsdorp AD, Dieckmann U. 2013.
Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 70: 707-721. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst077 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Holt RE. 2013.
Natural mortality: its ecology, how it shapes fish life histories, and why it may be increased by fishing
Journal of Sea Research. 75: 8-18. [ doi:10.1016/j.seares.2012.04.003 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Dunlop ES, Varpe Ø, Boukal DS, Baulier L, Eliassen S, Heino M. 2012.
Fishing-induced evolution of growth: concepts, mechanisms, and the empirical evidence
Marine Ecology. 33: 1-25. [ doi:10.1111/j.1439-0485.2011.00460.x ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Peck MA, Antognarelli F, Azzurro E, Burrows MT, Cheung WWL, Cucco A, Holt RE, Huebert KB, Marras S, McKenzie D, Metcalfe J, Perez-Ruzafa A, Sinerchia M, Steffensen JF, Teal LR, Domenici P. 2012.
Meeting report: Conservation physiology of marine fishes: advancing the predictive capacity of models
Biology Letters. 8: 900-903. [ doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.0609 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Chapman EW, Jørgensen C, Lutcavage M. 2011.
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus): a state-dependent energy allocation model for growth, maturation, and reproductive investment
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68: 1934-1951. [ doi:10.1139/f2011-109 ] [ pdf ]
Fiksen Ø, Jørgensen C. 2011.
Model of optimal behaviour in fish larvae predicts that food availability determines survival, but not growth
Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 432: 207-219. [ doi:10.3354/meps09148 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Auer SK, Reznick DN. 2011.
A model for optimal offspring size in fish, including livebearing and parental effects
American Naturalist. 177: E119-E135. [ doi:10.1086/659622 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Brown V, Gutknecht J, Harden L, Harrison C, Hively D, Jørgensen C, Levi T, Pflugeisen B, Rovengno P, Wang Y, Wiedenmann J, Mangel M. 2010.
Understanding and engaging values in policy relevant science
Bulletin of the British Ecological Society. 41: 48-56. [ pdf ]
Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Mangel M. 2010.
Fishing-induced evolution and changing reproductive ecology of fish: the evolution of steepness
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 67: 1708-1719. [ doi:10.1139/F10-090 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2010.
Modelling fishing-induced adaptations and consequences for natural mortality
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 67: 1086-1097. [ doi:10.1139/F10-049 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Dunlop ES, Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Heino M. 2009.
Toward Darwinian fisheries management
Evolutionary Applications. 2: 245-259. [ doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00087.x ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Eliassen S, Jørgensen C, Mangel M, Giske J. 2009.
Quantifying the adaptive value of learning in foraging behaviour
American Naturalist. 174: 478-489. [ doi:10.1086/605370 ] [ pdf ]
Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Dunlop ES, Heino M, Dieckmann U. 2009.
Implications of fisheries-induced evolution for stock rebuilding and recovery
Evolutionary Applications. 2: 394-414. [ doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00077.x ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Garamszegi LZ, Calhim S, Dochtermann N, Hegyi G, Hurd PL, Jørgensen C, Kutsukake N, Lajeunesse MJ, Pollard KA, Schielzeth H, Symonds MRE, Nakagawa S. 2009.
Changing philosophies and tools for statistical inferences in behavioral ecology
Behavioral Ecology. 20: 1363-1375. [ doi:10.1093/beheco/arp137 ] [ open access ]
Jørgensen C, Ernande B, Fiksen Ø. 2009.
Size-selective fishing gear and life history evolution in the Northeast Arctic cod
Evolutionary Applications. 2: 356-370. [ doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2009.00075.x ] [ pdf ]
Kristiansen T, Jørgensen C, Lough RG, Vikebø F, Fiksen Ø. 2009.
Modeling rule-based behavior: habitat selection and the growth-survival trade-off in larval cod
Behavioral Ecology. 20: 490-500. [ doi:10.1093/beheco/arp023 ] [ pdf ]
Varpe Ø, Jørgensen C, Tarling GA, Fiksen Ø. 2009.
The adaptive value of energy storage and capital breeding in seasonal environments
Oikos. 118: 363-370. [ doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2008.17036.x ] [ pdf ]
Heino M, Baulier L, Boukal DS, Dunlop ES, Eliassen S, Enberg K, Jørgensen C, Varpe Ø. 2008.
Evolution of growth in Gulf of St Lawrence cod?
Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 275: 1111-1112. [ doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1429 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Dunlop ES, Opdal AF, Fiksen Ø. 2008.
The evolution of spawning migrations: State dependence and fishing-induced changes
Ecology. 89: 3436-3448. [ doi:10.1890/07-1469.1 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Enberg K, Dunlop ES, Arlinghaus R, Boukal DS, Brander K, Ernande B, Gårdmark A, Johnston F, Matsumura S, Pardoe H, Raab K, Silva A, Vainikka A, Dieckmann U, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD. 2008.
The role of fisheries-induced evolution - response
Science. 320: 48-50. [ doi:10.1126/science.320.5872.47b ] [ pdf ] [ more information ]
Sattar SA, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2008.
Fisheries-induced evolution of energy and sex allocation
Bulletin of Marine Science. 83: 235-250. [ pdf ] [ appendix ]
Eliassen S, Jørgensen C, Mangel M, Giske J. 2007.
Exploration or exploitation: life expectancy changes the value of learning in foraging strategies
Oikos. 116: 513-523. [ doi:10.1111/j.2006.0030-1299.15462.x ] [ pdf ]
Fiksen Ø, Jørgensen C, Kristiansen T, Vikebø F, Huse G. 2007.
Linking behavioural ecology and oceanography: larval behaviour determines growth, mortality and dispersal
Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 347: 195-205. [ doi:10.3354/meps06978 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Enberg K, Dunlop ES, Arlinghaus R, Boukal DS, Brander K, Ernande B, Gårdmark A, Johnston F, Matsumura S, Pardoe H, Raab K, Silva A, Vainikka A, Dieckmann U, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD. 2007.
Managing evolving fish stocks
Science. 318: 1247-1248. [ doi:10.1126/science.1148089 ] [ pdf ]
Varpe Ø, Jørgensen C, Tarling GA, Fiksen Ø. 2007.
Early is better: seasonal egg fitness and timing of reproduction in a zooplankton life-history model
Oikos. 116: 1331-1342. [ doi:10.1111/j.2007.0030-1299.15893.x ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Vikebø F, Jørgensen C, Kristiansen T, Fiksen Ø. 2007.
Drift, growth and survival of larval Northeast Arctic cod with simple rules of behaviour
Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 347: 207-219. [ doi:10.3354/meps06979 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Eliassen S, Jørgensen C, Giske J. 2006.
Co-existence of learners and stayers maintains the advantage of social foraging
Evolutionary Ecology Research. 8: 1311-1324. [ pdf ]
Grimm V, Berger U, Bastiansen F, Eliassen S, Ginot V, Giske J, Goss-Custard J, Grand T, Heinz SK, Huse G, Huth A, Jepsen JU, Jørgensen C, Mooij WM, Müller B, Pe’er G, Piou C, Railsback SF, Robbins AM, Robbins MM, Rossmanith E, Rüger N, Strand E, Souissi S, Stillman RA, Vabø R, Visser U, DeAngelis DL. 2006.
A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models
Ecological Modelling. 198: 115-156. [ doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2006.04.023 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Ernande B, Fiksen Ø, Dieckmann U. 2006.
The logic of skipped spawning in fish
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 63: 200-211. [ doi:10.1139/F05-210 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2006.
State-dependent energy allocation in cod (Gadus morhua)
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 63: 186-199. [ doi:10.1139/f05-209 ] [ pdf ]
Strand E, Jørgensen C, Huse G. 2005.
Modelling buoyancy regulation in fishes with swimbladders: bioenergetics and behaviour
Ecological Modelling. 185: 309-327. [ doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.12.013 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Lydersen C, Brix O, Kovacs KM. 2001.
Diving development in nursing harbour seal pups
Journal of Experimental Biology. 204: 3993-4004. [ pdf ]

Book Chapters 

Enberg K, Dunlop ES, Jørgensen C. 2008.
Fish growth
Pages 1564-1572 in Encyclopedia of Ecology, edited by Jørgensen SE, Fath BD. Oxford: Elsevier. [ pdf ]

Theses, Reports, etc. 

Jørgensen C, Goksøyr A, Hjelle KL, Linge H. 2017.
Exams as learning arena: A criterion-based system for justified marking, student feedback, and enhanced constructive alignment
Pages 136-140 in Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning - Proceedings from EuroSoTL 2017, edited by Mårtensson K, Andersson R, Fernandez I, Førland OK, Higgs B, Roxå T. Lund, Sweden: Lunds Universitet. [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Kjesbu OS, Skjæraasen JE, Rey F, Jørgensen C. 2011.
The link between temperature, fish size, spawning time and reproductive success of Atlantic cod
Pages 85-86 in Climate change and effects on the Barents Sea marine living resources. 15th Russian-Norwegian Symposium, Longyearbyen, 7-8 September 2011, edited by Haug T, Dolgov A, Drevetnyak K, Røttingen I, Sunnanå K, Titov O. Vol 2/2011: IMR/PINRO joint report series. [ open access ]
Arneberg P, Korneev O, Titov O, Stiansen JE, Filin A, Hansen JR, Høines Å, Marasaev S. 2009.
Joint Norwegian-Russian environmental status 2008 report on the Barents Sea ecosystem: Part I - short version (Contributor)
Stiansen JE, Korneev O, Titov O, Arneberg P, Filin A, Hansen JR, Høines Å, Marasaev S. 2009.
Joint Norwegian-Russian environmental status report 2008: Report on the Barents Sea ecosystem; Part II - complete report (Contributor)
[ pdf ]
Arlinghaus R, Baulier L, Boukal D, Dankel D, Dieckmann U, Dunlop E, Eikeset AM, Enberg K, Engelhard G, Ernande B, Heino M, Johnston F, Jørgensen C, Kell L, Laugen A, Matsumura S, Mollet F, Nusslé S, Pardoe H, Rijnsdorp A, Therkildsen N, Urbach D, Uusi-Heikkilä S, Vainikka A, Whitlock R. 2008.
Report of the Study Group on Fisheries Induced Adaptive Change (SGFIAC)
Copenhagen, Denmark: ICES. [ pdf ]
Arlinghaus R, Boukal DS, Dieckmann U, Dunlop ES, Enberg K, Ernande B, Gårdmark A, Heino M, Johnston F, Jørgensen C, Matsumura S, Pardoe H, Raab K, Rijnsdorp AD, Silva A, Vainikka A. 2007.
Report of the Study Group on Fisheries Induced Adaptive Change (SGFIAC).
Copenhagen, Denmark: ICES. [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø, Ernande B. 2006.
Effects of different management regimes on harvest-induced life history evolution in Northeast Arctic cod
ICES CM. H: 13. [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Sattar SA, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2006.
Effects of fisheries on energy- and sex-allocation in slow-growing hermaphrodites such as groupers
ICES CM. H: 12. [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Ernande B, Fiksen Ø, Dieckmann U. 2004.
Skipped spawning is common for the Northeast Arctic cod in a life-history energy allocation model
ICES CM. 2004/K:28. [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2004.
Mennesket er en evolusjonær drivkraft [In Norwegian]
Hubro. 2004(3): 5-6. [ pdf ]

Popular Science Writing 

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