Department of
Biological Sciences

Researcher, PhD
Anders F. Opdal

Peer-Reviewed Articles 

Dumitru M, Opdal AF. In press.
Beyond the mosaic model of brain evolution: Rearing environment defines local and global plasticity
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. [ doi:10.1111/nyas.15267 ] [ open access ]
Budaev S, Dumitru ML, Enberg K, Handeland SO, Higginson AD, Kristiansen TS, Opdal AF, Railsback SF, Rønnestad I, Vollset KW, Mangel M, Giske J. 2024.
Premises for a digital twin of the Atlantic salmon in its world: agency, robustness, subjectivity, and prediction
Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries. 4: e153. [ doi:10.1002/aff2.153 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Lindemann C, Andersen T, Hessen DO, Fiksen Ø, Aksnes DL. 2024.
Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial timescales
Global Change Biology. 30: e17308. [ doi:10.1111/gcb.17308 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Wright PJ, Blom G, Höffle H, Lindemann C, Kjesbu OS. 2024.
Spawning fish maintains trophic synchrony across time and space beyond thermal drivers
Ecology. 105: e4304. [ doi:10.1002/ecy.4304 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Jessen HH, Opdal AF, Enberg K. 2023.
Life-history evolution in response to foraging risk, modelled for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua)
Ecological modelling. 482: 110378. [ doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110378 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Andersen T, Hessen DO, Lindemann C, Aksnes DL. 2023.
Tracking freshwater browning and coastal water darkening from boreal forests to the Arctic Ocean
Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 8: 611-619. [ doi:10.1002/lol2.10320 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Skjæraasen JE, Korsbrekke K, Dingsør GE, Langangen Ø, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2020.
Large annual variation in the amount of skipped spawning for female Northeast Arctic haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus
Fisheries Research. 230: 105670. [ doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105670 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Aarflot J, Aksnes DL, Opdal AF, Skjoldal HR, Fiksen Ø. 2019.
Caught in broad daylight: topographic constraints of zooplankton depth distributions
Limnology and Oceanography. 64: 849-859. [ doi:10.1002/lno.11079 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Fouzai N, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2019.
Dying from the lesser of three evils: facilitation and non-consumptive effects emerge in a model with multiple predators
Oikos. 128: 1307-1317. [ doi:10.1111/oik.05631 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Kaartvedt S, Røstad A, Opdal AF, Aksnes DL. 2019.
Herding mesopelagic fish by light
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 625: 225-231. [ doi:10.3354/meps13079 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Lowerre-Barbieri S, Catalan I, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2019.
Preparing for the future: integrating spatial ecology into ecosystem-based management
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 467-476. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy209 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Brodeur RD, Cieciel K, Daskalov GM, Mihneva V, Ruzicka JJ, Verheye HM, Aksnes DL. 2019.
Unclear associations between small pelagic fish and jellyfish in several major marine ecosystems
Scientific Reports. 9: 2997. [ doi:10.1038/s41598-019-39351-7 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Lindemann C, Aksnes DL. 2019.
Centennial decline in North Sea water clarity causes strong delay in phytoplankton bloom timing
Global Change Biology. 25: 3946-3953. [ doi:10.1111/gcb.14810 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Kvile KØ, Fiksen Ø, Prokopchuk I, Opdal AF. 2017.
Coupling survey data with drift model results suggests that local spawning is important for Calanus finmarchicus production in the Barents Sea
Journal of Marine Systems. 165: 69-76. [ doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.09.010 ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2016.
Response: Demography affects spawning location in Northeast Arctic cod, but what affects demography?
Global Change Biology. 22: 965-967. [ doi:10.1111/gcb.12977 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Original paper ] [ Letter by Sundby ]
Opdal AF, Vikebø FB. 2016.
Long-term stability in modelled zooplankton influx could uphold major fish spawning grounds on the Norwegian continental shelf
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 73: 189-196. [ doi:10.1139/cjfas-2014-0524 ] [ pdf ]
Fiksen Ø, Opdal AF. 2015.
Optimality and rule-based models for larval fish behavior
Vie et Milieu. 65: 115-120. [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Fouzai N, Opdal AF, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø. 2015.
Effects of temperature and food availability on larval cod survival: a model for behaviour in vertical gradients
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 529: 199-212. [ doi:10.3354/meps11326 ] [ open access ]
Opdal AF, Jørgensen C. 2015.
Long-term change of a behavioural trait: truncated spawning distribution and demography in Northeast Arctic cod
Global Change Biology. 21: 1521-1530. [ doi:10.1111/gcb.12773 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ] [ Letter by Sundby ] [ Response ]
Jørgensen C, Opdal AF, Fiksen Ø. 2014.
Can behavioural ecology unite hypotheses for fish recruitment?
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 71: 909-917. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst083 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Kjesbu OS, Opdal AF, Korsbrekke K, Devine JA, Skjæraasen JE. 2014.
Making use of Johan Hjort’s ‘unknown’ legacy: reconstruction of a 150-year coastal time series on Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) liver data reveals long-term trends in energy allocation patterns
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 71: 2053-2063. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu030 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Vikebø FB, Fiksen Ø. 2011.
Parental migration, climate and thermal exposure of larvae: spawning in southern regions gives Northeast Arctic cod a warm start
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 439: 255-262. [ doi:10.3354/meps09335 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF. 2010.
Fisheries change spawning ground distribution of northeast Arctic cod
Biology Letters. 6: 261-264. [ doi:10.1098/rsbl.2009.0789 ] [ pdf ]
Jørgensen C, Dunlop ES, Opdal AF, Fiksen Ø. 2008.
The evolution of spawning migrations: State dependence and fishing-induced changes
Ecology. 89: 3436-3448. [ doi:10.1890/07-1469.1 ] [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Godø OR, Bergstad OA, Fiksen Ø. 2008.
Distribution, identity, and possible processes sustaining meso- and bathypelagic scattering layers on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Deep Sea Research II. 55: 45-58. [ pdf ]
Opdal AF, Vikebø F, Fiksen Ø. 2008.
Relationships between spawning ground identity, latitude and early life thermal exposure in Northeast Arctic cod
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science. 41: 13-22. [ doi:10.2960/J.v41.m621 ] [ pdf ]

Book Chapters 

Opdal AF. 2016.
Hvor ble det av skreien som gytte på Vestlandet? [In Norwegian]
Pages 62-69 in Havet - Årbok for Universitetsmuseet i Bergen 2016, edited by Høyer J. Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen. [ open access ] [ pdf ]

Theses, Reports, etc. 

Opdal AF, Aksnes DL, Rosland R, Fiksen Ø. 2013.
Sognefjorden - en oppsummering av litteratur og kunnskapsstatus om fjord-økologi og vannkraftutbygging
Uni Computing Technical Report Series. 32. [ pdf ]
Opdal AF. 2010.
Dynamics of spawning migrations in Northeast Arctic cod.
Bergen, Norway: PhD thesis, Department of Biology, University of Bergen. [ pdf ]

Popular Science Writing 

Webmaster:  Christian Jørgensen.