Department of
Biological Sciences

Postdoc, PhD
Andrea Campos-Candela

Peer-Reviewed Articles 

Nathan R, Monk CT, Arlinghaus R, Adam T, Alós J, Assaf M, Baktoft H, Beardsworth CE, Bertram MG, Bijleveld AI, Brodin T, Brooks JL, Campos-Candela A, Cooke SJ, Gjelland KØ, Gupte PR, Harel R, Hellström G, Jeltsch F, Killen SS, Klefoth T, Langrock R, Lennox RJ, Lourie E, Madden JR, Orchan Y, Pauwels IS, Říha M, Roeleke M, Schlägel UE, Shohami D, Signer J, Toledo S, Vilk O, Westrelin S, Whiteside MA, Jarić I. 2022.
Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement
Science. 375: eabg1780. [ doi:10.1126/science.abg1780 ] [ open access ]
Aspillaga E, Arlinghaus R, Martorell-Barceló M, Follana-Berná G, Lana A, Campos-Candela A, Alós J. 2021.
Performance of a novel system for high-resolution tracking of marine fish societies
Animal Biotelemetry. 9: 1. [ doi:10.1186/s40317-020-00224-w ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Follana-Berná G, Palmer M, Campos-Candela A, Alós J, Ospina-Alvarez A, Grau A, Lowerre-Barbieri S, Arechavala-Lopez P. 2021.
Consequences of trait-selective fisheries on population reproductive potential: An experimental approach
Fisheries Research. 239: 105939. [ doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105939 ] [ pdf ]
Campos-Candela A, Palmer M, Balle S, Alós J. 2019.
Response to Abolaffio et al. (2019): Avoiding misleading messages
Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 2017-2021. [ doi:10.1111/1365-2656.13084 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Campos-Candela A, Palmer M, Balle S, Álvarez A, Alós J. 2019.
A mechanistic theory of personality-dependent movement behaviour based on dynamic energy budgets
Ecology Letters. 22: 213-232. [ doi:10.1111/ele.13187 ] [ pdf ]
Follana-Berná G, Palmer M, Campos-Candela A, Arechavala-Lopez P, Diaz-Gil C, Alós J, Catalan IA, Balle S, Coll J, Morey G, Verger F, Grau A. 2019.
Estimating the density of resident coastal fish using underwater cameras: accounting for individual detectability
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 615: 177-188. [ doi:10.3354/meps12926 ] [ pdf ]
Alós J, Campos-Candela A, Arlinghaus R. 2018.
A modelling approach to evaluate the impact of fish spatial behavioural types on fisheries stock assessment
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 489-500. [ doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy172 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Campos-Candela A, Palmer M, Balle S, Alós J. 2018.
A camera-based method for estimating absolute density in animals displaying home range behaviour
Journal of Animal Ecology. 87: 825-837. [ doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12787 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Catanese G, Hinz H, Gil MdM, Palmer M, Breen M, Mira A, Pastor E, Grau A, Campos-Candela A, Koleva E, Grau AM, Morales-Nin B. 2018.
Comparing the catch composition, profitability and discard survival from different trammel net designs targeting common spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) in a Mediterranean fishery
PeerJ. 6: e4707. [ doi:10.7717/peerj.4707 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Marti-Puig P, Serra-Serra M, Campos-Candela A, Reig-Bolano R, Manjabacas A, Palmer M. 2018.
Quantitatively scoring behavior from video-recorded, long-lasting fish trajectories
Environmental Modelling & Software. 106: 68-76. [ doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.01.007 ] [ pdf ]
Martorell-Barceló M, Campos-Candela A, Alós J. 2018.
Fitness consequences of fish circadian behavioural variation in exploited marine environments
PeerJ. 6: e4814. [ doi:10.7717/peerj.4814 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
Alós J, Martorell-Barceló M, Campos-Candela A. 2017.
Repeatability of circadian behavioural variation revealed in free-ranging marine fish
Royal Society Open Science. 4: 160791. [ doi:10.1098/rsos.160791 ] [ open access ] [ pdf ]
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