Reglero P, Tugores MP, Titelman J, Santandreu M, Martin M, Balbin R, Alvarez-Berastegui D, Torres AP, Calcina N, Leyva L,
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Shropshire TA, Morey SL, Chassignet EP, Karnauskas M, Coles VJ, Malca E, Laiz-Carrión R,
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Trade-offs between risks of predation and starvation in larvae make the shelf break an optimal spawning location for Atlantic bluefin tunaJournal of Plankton Research.
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Ottmann D, Alvarez-Berastegui D, Prieto L, Balbín R, Alemany F,
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Abundance of Pelagia noctiluca early life stages in the western Mediterranean Sea scales with surface chlorophyllMarine Ecology Progress Series.
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Spawning site distribution of a bluefin tuna reduces jellyfish predation on early life stagesLimnology and Oceanography.
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Skaret G, Johansen GO, Johnsen E,
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Diel vertical movements determine spatial interactions between cod, pelagic fish and krill on an Arctic shelf bankMarine Ecology Progress Series.
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Reglero P, Ortega A, Balbin R, Abascal FJ, Medina A, Blanco E, de la Gándara F, Alvarez-Berastegui D, Hidalgo M, Rasmuson L, Alemany F,
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Blanco E, Reglero P, Ortega A, de la Gándara F,
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The effects of light, darkness and intermittent feeding on the growth and survival of reared Atlantic bonito and Atlantic bluefin tuna larvaeAquaculture.
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Reglero P, Blanco E, Ortega A,
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Sainmont J, Andersen KH, Thygesen UH,
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Sundelöf A, Grimm V, Ulmestrand M,
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Johnsen IA,
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Vertical salmon lice behavior as a response to environmental conditions and its influence on the regional dispersion in a fjord systemAquaculture Environment Interactions.
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Reglero P, Ortega A, Blanco E,
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Size-related differences in growth and survival in piscivorous fish larvae fed different prey typesAquaculture.
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Vollset KW, Catalan IA,
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Effect of food deprivation on the distribution of larval and early juvenile cod in experimental vertical temperature and light gradientsMarine Ecology-Progress Series.
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Predator-prey encounter and capture rates for plankton in turbulent environmentsProgress in Oceanography.
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Moving in turbulent waters: an analytical model and a numerical testProgress in Oceanography.
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Kristiansen T, Vikebø F, Sundby S, Huse G,
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Modeling growth of larval cod (Gadus morhua) in large-scale seasonal and latitudinal environmental gradientsDeep Sea Research II.
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Opdal AF, Godø OR, Bergstad OA,
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Kristiansen T,
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Vikebø F, Sundby S, Ådlandsvik B,
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The combined effect of transport and temperature on distribution and growth of larvae and pelagic juveniles of Arcto-Norwegian codICES Journal of Marine Science.
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Grønstøl GB, Byrkjedal I,
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Predicting polygynous settlement while incorporating varying female competitive strengthBehavioral Ecology.
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The influence of turbidity on growth and survival of fish larvae: a numerical analysisHydrobiologia.
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Fiksen Ø, Slotte A. 2002.
Stock-environment recruitment models for Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus)Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
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Fiksen Ø. 2000.
The adaptive timing of diapause - a search for evolutionarily robust strategies in Calanus finmarchicusICES Journal of Marine Science.
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Kirby DS,
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A dynamic optimisation model for the behaviour of tunas at ocean frontsFisheries Oceanography.
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Fiksen Ø, Carlotti F. 1998.
A model of optimal life history and diel vertical migration in Calanus finmarchicusSarsia.
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Fiksen Ø, Utne ACW,
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Modelling the influence of light, turbulence and ontogeny on ingestion rates in larval cod and herringFisheries Oceanography.
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Giske J, Huse G,
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Modelling spatial dynamics of fishReviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
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Fiksen Ø. 1997.
Allocation patterns and diel vertical migration: Modeling the optimal DaphniaEcology.
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Giske J, Rosland R, Berntsen J,
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Ideal free distribution of copepods under predation riskEcological Modelling.
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Fiksen Ø,
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Vertical distribution and population dynamics of copepods by dynamic optimizationIces Journal of Marine Science.
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Fiksen Ø,
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A spatially explicit fitness based model of capelin migrations in the Barents SeaFisheries Oceanography.
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Mangel M,
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