Department of
Biological Sciences


Models that include a fine-scale representation of the physical features of the ecosystem as well as the biogeochemistry and the main components of the ecosystems are referred to as End-to-end models (E2E). The NORWECOM.E2E is under development to become an end-to-end model of the Norwegian Sea ecosystem.

The model is a merger of two models, the NORWECOM model for the lower trophic levels and nutrient cycling (Aksnes et al. 1995, Skogen et al. 2007) and different individual-based models developed initially for fish (Huse and Giske 1998, Strand et al. 2002, Huse et al. 2004, Huse and Ellingsen 2008) and zooplankton (Huse 2005, Samuelsen et al. 2009). These models have now been integrated into a fully coupled model system illustrated below. The components that are presently implemented are delineated with full lines while the components that are planned implemented are indicated with broken compartment lines.

A strategic plan for how to develop these modules has been developed and is available below (Huse & the NORWECOM team 2012).


Aksnes DL, Ulvestad KB, Balino BM, Berntsen J, Egge JK, Svendsen E. 1995.
Ecological modeling in coastal waters - towards predictive physical-chemical-biological simulation-models
Ophelia. 41: 5-36. [ doi:10.1080/00785236.1995.10422035 ] [ pdf ]
Huse G. 2005.
Artificial evolution of Calanus’ life history strategies under different predation levels
GLOBEC International Newsletter. 11: 19-42.
Huse G, Ellingsen IH. 2008.
Capelin migrations and climate change - a modelling analysis
Climate Change. 87: 177-191.
Huse G, Giske J. 1998.
Ecology in Mare Pentium: An individual-based spatio-temporal model for fish with adapted behaviour
Fisheries Research. 37: 163-178. [ pdf ]
G. Huse and The NORWECOM team. 2012.
Strategic plan for development of the NORWECOM.E2E model
Internal Strategy Document. [ pdf ]
Samuelsen A, Huse G, Hansen C. 2009.
Shelf recruitment of Calanus finmarchicus off the west coast of Norway: role of physical processes and timing of diapause termination.
Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 386: 163-180.
Skogen MD, Budgell WP, Rey F. 2007.
Interannual variability in Nordic seas primary production
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 64: 889-898.
Strand E, Huse G, Giske J. 2002.
Artificial evolution of life history and behavior
American Naturalist. 159: 624-644. [ pdf ]
Webmaster:  Christian Jørgensen.